Author Archives: Bruno Bandeira

5 empresas chinesas que não têm nada de xing-ling

5 Chinese companies that are not xing-ling at all

The term "xing-ling" has become popularly associated with cheap or low-quality products that originate from China. However, many still have a certain distrust with items that are manufactured there, even if their quality is proven. Below, in descending alphabetical order, we list some companies that, in no way, can be associated with [...]Read More »
O smartphone de 6 mil dólares da Lamborghini é para quem gosta de rasgar dinheiro

Lamborghini's $6,000 smartphone is for those who like to rip money

Tonino Lamborghini is really good at doing expensive things. For decades, this boiled down to cars — beautiful cars that 99% of people never had the opportunity to sit in, let alone drive. But while these overly luxurious automobiles cause envy, Lamborghini's smartphone, called the 88 Tauri, doesn't even come close [...]Read More »
Bill Gates bebeu um copo de água feito a partir de cocô

Bill Gates drank a glass of water made from poop

Since before retiring from Microsoft, Bill Gates has been involved in somewhat crazy philanthropic missions, but always with goals beyond noble. He's already launched a contest to reinvent the toilet, pledged US$ 100,000 to the creator of the next generation of condoms, funded contraceptive chips for women and convinced 40 billionaire mates to [...]Read More »