Freedome: novo aplicativo da F-Secure vai devolver a sua privacidade

Freedome: new F-Secure app will give back your privacy

Christian Fredrikson, president of one of the largest cybersecurity companies in history, we are living in troubled times when it comes to our digital lives. For the executive, who has led Finnish F-Secure since 2012, “privacy is dead” and the company's mission is to return control of things to the user. [...]Read More »
10 mitos e verdades que você precisa saber sobre vírus para celulares

10 myths and truths you need to know about cell phone viruses

Smartphones certainly seem to be the target of the moment in the virus world. They tend to contain much more personal information than our computers, as they are objects that we don't normally share with anyone and that we are connected to throughout our day. Currently, it is much more likely that our bank passwords, [...]Read More »
Google Chrome não aceita mais instalação de extensões que não estejam em sua loja virtual

Google Chrome no longer accepts installation of extensions that are not in its virtual store

Last November, Google announced that it would no longer accept the installation of extensions that were not hosted on the Chrome Web Store on its browser starting in January. It took a few months, but the restriction went into effect today. In a post on the Chrome blog, Erik Kay, director of browser engineering, explained Google's motivation [...]Read More »
A internet está quebrada, e vai ser difícil consertá-la

The internet is broken, and it's going to be hard to fix it

We are completely lost. Everything we use on a daily basis is broken and it's going to be pretty hard to fix. We suffer from spying by government agencies and flaws that affect almost everything we use on the internet. And the situation is really worrying, or at least seems very complicated, given the tone of a great piece written by Quinn Norton. Norton is [...]Read More »
Garoto de 11 anos salva avô com técnicas aprendidas em Grand Theft Auto

11-year-old saves grandfather with techniques learned in Grand Theft Auto

There are those who categorically defend that games are not capable of teaching anything to children and adolescents, considering such form of entertainment as “home wrecker”, “something useless” and so on. For those who fall into this group: yes, games are capable of teaching something, as the case of Charley Cullen proves. Charley, who lives in [...]Read More »