Lechal, um tênis inteligente que vibra para levar você ao seu destino

Lechal, a smart shoe that vibrates to take you to your destination

      You must have gotten used to the idea of wearing glasses or a watch connected to your smartphone by now. But Indian startup Ducere Technologies Pvt wants to take this wearable computing story to a new level — and it's a low level, at your feet. The company will start [...]Read More »
Seria Steve Jobs um cara do futuro?

Would Steve Jobs be a guy from the future?

No, but hearing him in 1983 getting so many predictions about modern technology right makes that seem like an almost real hypothesis. Just listen to the speech that Steve Jobs gave at the International Design Conference in Aspen in 1983. It's as if Jobs knew that Apple would make the iPad, that the cell phone would be the future, that the App Store […]

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