Google deixa de mostrar sites não responsivos nos resultados de buscas

Google stops showing unresponsive sites in search results

After announcing in February that it would make significant changes to its search rankings, Google has delivered part of its promise this week: sites that aren't adapted for smartphones and other mobile devices will drop in the rankings. According to the California giant, the update will only affect rankings displayed on mobile phones and tablets. Also according to Google, […]

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Nvidia GeForce GTX 980: uma placa de vídeo mais rápida que surpreende no preço

Nvidia GeForce GTX 980: a faster graphics card that surprises at its price

Last year, PC graphics cards reached massive proportions, and the price went up with it: the Nvidia GeForce GTX Titan costs a whopping US$ 1,000 (R$ 4,000 in Brazil), not to mention the US$ 3,000 Titan Z (which costs more). of R$ 11,000 over here). Today, Nvidia tries something different: the new GeForce GTX 980 is the [...]Read More »
“Perdão”, diz homem que inventou os anúncios pop-up

“Sorry,” says man who invented pop-up ads

Pop-up ads are among the most hated things in the digital world, so much so that every browser blocks them by default. Now, the man who created this terrible invention in the mid-90s wants to apologize. Ethan Zuckerman, head of MIT's Center for Civic Media, says he didn't know what he would do to the world when [...]Read More »
Pirate Bay lança site móvel e promete portais para TV e filmes

Pirate Bay launches mobile site and promises TV and movie portals

There are several apps for downloading torrents on Android, Windows Phone and iOS (jailbroken or nifty), but finding torrents isn't always easy: the Pirate Bay website, for example, is not adapted for the small screen of the cell phone. By the way, it wasn't: Meet Mobile Bay. When accessing the Pirate Bay on your smartphone or [...]Read More »
Google Chrome não aceita mais instalação de extensões que não estejam em sua loja virtual

Google Chrome no longer accepts installation of extensions that are not in its virtual store

Last November, Google announced that it would no longer accept the installation of extensions that were not hosted on the Chrome Web Store on its browser starting in January. It took a few months, but the restriction went into effect today. In a post on the Chrome blog, Erik Kay, director of browser engineering, explained Google's motivation [...]Read More »
A internet está quebrada, e vai ser difícil consertá-la

The internet is broken, and it's going to be hard to fix it

We are completely lost. Everything we use on a daily basis is broken and it's going to be pretty hard to fix. We suffer from spying by government agencies and flaws that affect almost everything we use on the internet. And the situation is really worrying, or at least seems very complicated, given the tone of a great piece written by Quinn Norton. Norton is [...]Read More »