Garoto de 11 anos salva avô com técnicas aprendidas em Grand Theft Auto

11-year-old saves grandfather with techniques learned in Grand Theft Auto

There are those who categorically defend that games are not capable of teaching anything to children and adolescents, considering such form of entertainment as “home wrecker”, “something useless” and so on. For those who fall into this group: yes, games are capable of teaching something, as the case of Charley Cullen proves. Charley, who lives in [...]Read More »
Sem querer, celulares ganham uma função extra: proteger você de tiros

Unintentionally, cell phones gain an extra function: protect you from gunshots

This Thursday, a military police officer was taken hostage at the family's home in Araraquara (SP). One of the bandits shot him twice: one shot hit the neighbor's house; the other was deflected by a Lumia 520, which was in the PM's pocket. It's a good opportunity to thank cell phones for this lifesaving feature, [...]Read More »