Empresa de energia solar quer compensar a fritura de pássaros com a castração de gatos

Solar energy company wants to compensate for frying birds by neutering cats

A few months ago, we talked about an unforeseen consequence of the world's largest solar plant. The 350,000 mirrors that reflect sunlight from the atmosphere do so with such intensity that it basically generates a massive death ray. The poor birds that fly nearby can't resist – they are fried in mid-air. It's not a [...]Read More »
Google se torna a segunda empresa de tecnologia mais valiosa do mundo

Google becomes the second most valuable technology company in the world

When you look at the financial numbers of technology companies, you understand a little better Microsoft's urgency to enter the smartphone market for real and make Windows a good alternative to tablets. Today, Google has surpassed Microsoft in market value and is now the second most […]

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