Empresa de energia solar quer compensar a fritura de pássaros com a castração de gatos

Solar energy company wants to compensate for frying birds by neutering cats

A few months ago, we talked about an unforeseen consequence of the world's largest solar plant. The 350,000 mirrors that reflect sunlight from the atmosphere do so with such intensity that it basically generates a massive death ray. The poor birds that fly nearby can't resist – they are fried in mid-air. It's not a [...]Read More »
O giroscópio do seu smartphone pode ser usado para espionagem

Your smartphone's gyroscope can be used for spying

The gyroscope inside your smartphone is great for gaming, especially racing. But did you know that it can also be used to eavesdrop on your conversations? Stanford University researchers, in partnership with the Israeli defense research group Rafael, have developed a way to turn the smartphone gyroscope into a microphone. [...]Read More »
O satélite de altíssima qualidade que vai melhorar (e muito) a resolução das imagens do Google Maps

The very high quality satellite that will improve (a lot) the resolution of Google Maps images

The quality of commercial images captured from space will greatly improve after the launch of the Worldview-3 satellite. He's powerful enough to count chickens when he's in orbit. It really is a monstrous machine. The commercial satellite imagery market is sparsely populated but very profitable. Its estimated value is US$ 400 million per [...]Read More »
“Perdão”, diz homem que inventou os anúncios pop-up

“Sorry,” says man who invented pop-up ads

Pop-up ads are among the most hated things in the digital world, so much so that every browser blocks them by default. Now, the man who created this terrible invention in the mid-90s wants to apologize. Ethan Zuckerman, head of MIT's Center for Civic Media, says he didn't know what he would do to the world when [...]Read More »