Google deixa de mostrar sites não responsivos nos resultados de buscas

Google stops showing unresponsive sites in search results

After announcing in February that it would make significant changes to its search rankings, Google has delivered part of its promise this week: sites that aren't adapted for smartphones and other mobile devices will drop in the rankings. According to the California giant, the update will only affect rankings displayed on mobile phones and tablets. Also according to Google, […]

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Sem querer, Apple vai ajudar o Google a nos trazer o futuro do dinheiro

Unintentionally, Apple will help Google bring us the future of money

Apple this week launched its Apple Pay payments service in the US. It was activated through the iOS 8.1 update, and allows you to make online payments on devices with Touch ID. In addition, it works in physical stores with the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, which have NFC just for that. This could be great news [...]Read More »
O satélite de altíssima qualidade que vai melhorar (e muito) a resolução das imagens do Google Maps

The very high quality satellite that will improve (a lot) the resolution of Google Maps images

The quality of commercial images captured from space will greatly improve after the launch of the Worldview-3 satellite. He's powerful enough to count chickens when he's in orbit. It really is a monstrous machine. The commercial satellite imagery market is sparsely populated but very profitable. Its estimated value is US$ 400 million per [...]Read More »
Os recursos mais bacanas do Android L que o Google não anunciou

The Coolest Android L Features Google Didn't Announce

Android L was made available this week as a preview, and its final version should arrive on smartphones and tablets at the end of the year. There are a lot of cool new features, but after playing around with the developer version, we discovered a bunch of cool stuff that Google didn't mention in the I/O event keynote - [...]Read More »